[Part 2:]
Monica's back was turned. She didn't see Thorny extricate himself from behind his front door. He extended his arm, trying to grab her blouse before she stepped onto the first stair. She heard shuffling, turned, and frowned. Her eyes widened in shock. She propelled herself down the stairs to her second-story unit.
Inside, she locked, then stood with her back stiff against the door. How dare he try to accost me! He's gone too far! Attempted assault would be added to the list of charges to be filed in the lawsuit.
She listened to ascertain whether Thorny had managed to tackle the stairs and chuckled upon hearing the elevator door near her unit open and shut, then jumped back when outside the door, Thorny interrupted her thoughts, yelling loudly with venom in his voice, "you'll regret crossing me. You're out of your league!"
She was tempted but didn't open the door. The next moment, quiet ensued, so she checked the peephole.
Two days passed without further incident. Monica continued her work and workout routine. She exchanged pleasantries with the other tenants. Each nodded and went their separate ways as though they'd never drawn up the petition, and she'd never received it.
So it was with an absent mind that after returning home from her job she opened the door to the Brownstone and stepped inside. There blocking the entrance to the stairs was Thorny, red faced, shoulders heaving.
"Now look here Missy. I may have been a bit loud in our last conversation. You weren't exactly ladylike. We just got off to a bad start. There's no need for harsh feelings and rash decisions. It's to our mutual benefit to resolve this issue without involving the owner."
Monica pursed her lips and stifled the impulse to laugh. Her instinct about Thorny's personality when she first arrived at the Brownstone had proven true. She inched away, mindful not to turn her back. Her gaze followed him raising his hands. She was ready to bolt upstairs when he cleared his throat.
"Why not take the elevator instead of disturbing the other tenants by running up and down the staircase and not hog the common area?"
So incensed at Thorny's suggestion that she blurted out, "I pay for an apartment in this unit. Not YOU! How I choose to get to and from it is my business. As far as "hogging" the common area, that's untrue. Now, if there's nothing else you wish to discuss instead of this so-called solution or that ridiculous petition, then I have an appointment. My friend and workout partner is waiting to join me."
Thorny shook his head. "Did I hear you say a workout partner! Now there'll be two of you running up and down those damn stairs? Why not take your exercise outdoors? Better still, pay for a gym membership!" Thorny exaggerated the words as he stared her directly in the eye.
Monica resisted the urge to argue. I must keep my wits about me in dealing with this idiot, she weighted. Instead, she turned swiftly and headed up the stairs to wait for her friend. But not before leaving with him these words, "In case you haven't noticed, you're in dire need of a gym membership."
Thorny stood wringing his hands, then clenched his fist. Flustered the result he anticipated didn't pan out, he took a deep breath and released. There's more than one way to skin a cat, he mused.
His monthly check-in with the building owner was due in a few days. He didn't want complaints to reach the company. That would be the worst result in his short tenure as Building Manager. I've been at this too long to allow an amateur to best me, he assured himself.
Time to put Plan B in motion.
Now, Part 3:
Thorny stood watching Monica dismiss him and leave. He wrung his hands, then bit down hard on his knuckles suppressing thoughts, or was it his conscience, deriding him for failing. Admitting the result he anticipated didn't pan out wasn't an option.
He took a deep breath, then slowly released it. Damn her! he hissed in a low voice so as not to disturb the other tenants.
He didn't attribute this disruption to his own machinations. Instead, he now contemplated how best to exact revenge. His face now ruddy, a dark mood grabbed hold and threatened to smother him.
It was as if his entire tiny universe fell void. Besides, it was dinnertime. His take out order would arrive shortly. But Monica had heaped undue stress upon him causing an inability to enjoy even positive tasks, such as watching television, eating and sleeping. For that, he'd never forgive.
With a single-minded focus, he called for the elevator and reached his third floor apartment. All the while thoughts swirled on how best to defeat Monica while uplifting his status with the Building Manager.
Time was of the essence.
With that urgency in mind and his motto: do unto others first before they do unto you!, he returned to his apartment and waited for his dinner to arrive. His dad's wise words settled in, racing his pulse. Thorny remembered those words with glee. They'd gotten him through several precarious situations.
First, thoughts of violence rose up. No. He immediately squashed those. Too messy. The other tenants might accidentally witness them. Jail time wasn't in his plans. And he'd lose his monthly income. He gulped down a large soda with an equally large slice of pizza, then let escape a gurgling, loud crude belch.
On second thought, several lesser tragic schemes formed, such as starting hateful gossip. Not going far enough for her disrespect and refusal to obey authority. Playing out acts of humiliation and revenge. He nodded, then grinned widely, a devious smirk behind that pizza slice.
He recalled Monica's belittling words meant, but fell short in their attempt, to provoke him. There's more than one way to skin a cat, he mused. And Thorny's Plan B was as radical a move as he'd ever contemplated.

The next morning, Monica dressed for work. With no thought of Thorny, she locked her apartment door, set her trash out for pickup, then cheerfully left the building and started her workday.
Returning home, she navigated the stairs, eager to change into her exercise attire. Greeting her, taped to her apartment door, was the petition. On it was written "Second Notice".
She tore the paper from the door, rushed inside, and slammed the door shut. Fuming, she quickly changed into her workout gear. She grabbed the exercise mat and tucked it under her arms, then took the stairs down to the first floor.
The first thing that caught her eye as she approached the common area was the darkness in the room. Reaching for the doorknob, it wouldn't open. Odd, she thought, noting the first floor was open until midnight.
She gave no thought to it and headed toward the first floor restroom. Turning the knob, she discovered it locked. Frowning, she stepped back and scoured the area. No other tenants were in sight. She returned to her second floor unit, promising to inquire about it the next day.
The next day was Friday. Monica set her trash out again for the weekly pickup, then left for work. When she returned home, she jerked a sharp breath. Several dogs had toppled her trash receptacle and torn her bagged trash to shreds searching for food. She followed the trail evidencing it was strewed across several yards.
She'd always been careful in securing her bin. She sighed, set her work items on the steps, then proceeded to clean the mess. Once inside, she showered and forgot about the incident.
That is until the next day. Weekend wash day. Monica gathered her clothes basket and hauled it down the stairs. With the laundry detergent in one hand and basket in the others, she turned the knob to the laundry room.
"Now this is ridiculous and have gone too far," she hissed. Glancing around, again she noticed no other tenants were present. Deciding to inquire, she knocked on Maddie's door. No answer, so she kept knocking.
The door opened slowly. Maddie refused to leave her apartment; instead speaking from inside. "All amenities are locked. If needed, request the key from the Building Manager, then return it immediately." Maddie's voice could have been a replica of Thorny's. She immediately slammed the door.
"What the hell!," Monica replied. She turned and headed upstairs.
Once upstairs, Monica approached her apartment door, puzzled as to what was attached. She'd not been away more than thirty minutes.
Taped to the door was a notice of a fine being levied against her for violation of the trash incident. The notice contained a dollar amount in the form of a fine what would be included in her next month's rent if the situation occurred again.
"I'll get to the bottom of this," she fumed as a splash of anger crossed her face.
[to be continued]

9 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2612: the worst result

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Thorny is taking his revenge to another level, and Monica is paying the consequences of his rage. It's amazing how someone can be so petty and abuse their “power” like that, definitely that Thorny is playing dirty, shutting down the amenities and issuing unfair fines. That is not done. Monica has every right to use the facilities and live peacefully.