A Ramble About the Weather

in Freewriters3 years ago


I wouldn't really call this a freewrite, but in saying that I am just writing this off the top of my head whilst I think about the upcoming weather that's been forecast and as I brace myself for possible floods in coming weeks or months.

Every 10-11 years, like a cycle, my town floods. Sometimes it's minor, sometimes it's fairly major; in 2011 it was a pretty big flood. My part of town was cut off from the rest of the town, and to be honest, I loved it. To my knowledge, no-one died or anything -- (in my area!!!! I know there was dangerous flash flooding elsewhere that claimed a couple of lives, but I'm just talking about my area.) -- although there was very likely a lot of water damage to some houses and assets. I was personally unaffected though, apart from being cut off from everyone else.


The little township I'm in has three parts separated by the Mary River. There's Granville across the river, Maryborough in the centre, then Tinana across the other bend of the river. In 2011 I lived in Tinana, and when it flooded my very, very busy area turned into a ghost town. We ran out of bread, but that was okay because we had beer and flour and we could make our own damper. I could walk in the middle of the road and not have to worry about a single car. You couldn't hear any traffic. It was so peaceful.

The weather people are saying that it's possible we'll get the 2010/2011 style floods again in coming months. I'm a little dubious because they also said that last year, but it's actually a bit rainier this time around.

If it floods again in the upcoming months, this time I'm in Maryborough which means I won't be cut off from anything important. Which, honestly, disappoints me. 😅 My child might get a couple of days off school because that area of town floods, but overall everything will be normal.


On Monday I had an appointment to attend, and I got to walk around the park whilst I waited. Which is where all these photos came from. It was grey but not raining at the time. But then that afternoon we got 100mm in an hour and some of the roads were impassible for a little while. Then on Tuesday, also in the afternoon, we got another 100mm and it happened again.

It's not enough for our river to rise, yet, but still... now I'm thinking about it.


It's supposed to be raining all day today, but the sun is shining right now. At 6:30am. Which is terrible. Because we will walk in about an hour and the humidity is going to be riiiiight up there. It's also supposed to be raining all day tomorrow, and Friday. Friday disappoints me. I have a job interview on Friday morning. Hopefully it rains in the afternoon again instead.

Job interview!

It's an admin position and I get to create a lot of powerpoint presentations and work on their website. AND their opening hours align exactly with my availability. 9am to 2:30pm. If I don't get it I'm going to be so very, very sad. I've actually never seen anything more perfect pop up in this tiny town. 😅 Everywhere else I've tried requires more flexibility which I just don't have.




weather forecast.This is a response to @mariannewest's five-minute #freewrite prompt which for today is --

You can find the prompt -- and write with us!!!!! -- at the following link:

Until next time. ❤️



All photos in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci, and a Samsung S21 phone camera.


I hope you got the job, if not their loss...

Cheers! 🙂🍺

The interview ended up getting rescheduled to the 19th... fingers crossed! 😬

Fingers and toes crossed for you. As we say here in Ireland, "If it's meant for you it won't pass you by"

Did you get it?

The rain or the job? 😅

Yep, more rain!! No flooding yet. And nope, my interview was rescheduled at the last minute to next Friday. Sigh.

our place gets flooded too and it reaches up to the knees, waves are made as cars pass by one by one, the sound they make is pleasing to the ears. a sense of relaxation and calmness.

It hasn't flooded here since 2011 so I feel as though a lot of people have become complacent and have forgotten that our town is built on flood-plains beside a really large river. 😅


I enjoyed your ramble and the photos so we could ramble around together...

Thank you for joining me on my rambling journey!