Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2674: art of lying(Nigeria politicians can lie)

in Freewriters14 days ago

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Act of Lying

Lying is when someone does not tell the truth. It is when people say something that is not real just to make others believe them. In Nigeria, lying is very common, especially among politicians. Many politicians make big promises before elections, but after they win, they forget about the people.

How Politicians Lie to Nigerians

Before elections, politicians go around villages, towns, and cities, telling the people sweet words. They promise to build good roads, give free education, provide jobs, and make life better for everyone. They visit markets, shake hands with traders, and even eat food by the roadside to show they care. They tell the poor, "Vote for me, and I will change your life!" Many Nigerians, full of hope, believe these words and vote for them.

But after the elections, everything changes. The same politicians who begged for votes now sit in big offices, drive in expensive cars, and forget about the people. The roads remain bad, children still cannot go to school, and there are no jobs. The people cry, but nobody listens. Life becomes harder, and the struggle to survive continues.

The Pain of Broken Promises

Imagine a poor father in Lagos who wakes up at 4 AM to go to work, but the road is so bad that his car spoils every week. Imagine a mother in Kano selling tomatoes in the market, but she cannot afford to send her children to school because there is no help from the government. Imagine a young graduate in Enugu who studied for many years but cannot find a job because the government has failed to provide opportunities.

People feel disappointed, angry, and sad. They feel betrayed because they trusted their leaders, but their leaders turned their backs on them. Every day, people struggle to buy food, pay rent, and take care of their families. Some even lose hope because they feel nobody cares about their suffering.

Lying destroys trust. It brings pain and suffering. If politicians truly care about the people, they should keep their promises. A good leader is one who listens to the people and works hard to make life better for them. Nigerians must also be wise. Instead of believing fake promises, they should vote for leaders who have proven to be honest and hardworking.

One day, Nigeria can be great, but only if leaders stop lying and start caring for the people. The truth is always better than a lie, no matter how sweet the lie sounds

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