Brain Designer

in Freewriters8 months ago

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One of the things that amazes me the most is the fact that how humans are able to design a robot to function according to what or how it was organised. However, scientist have tried their possible best to see that it can function beyond some certain things and at that it failed. Brain designing can be very tedious , demanding, and brain storming. The Brain itself comprises of many functions and other alot of things. The brain controls alot in the body that regards to our day to day daily activities and other functions. Meanwhile, Tools used in Brain designing what keeps amazing me. Today, technology has advanced alot in such a way that activities has been made easier for mankind. A Brain designed is design to function according to anything or what it was program for at such any mistake made could be at the detriment of the designer.


One of the things that amazes me the most is the fact that how humans are able to design a robot

The human mind and brain is very vast when put into proper use

Am telling you. I will love to do that some day