Difficult Position

in Freewriters8 months ago

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In the journey of life there are difficult times and circumstances, positions and eras in which we encounter in our lives everyday. However, these challenges and difficult moments are meant to mould us and mar us us into something great and spectacular so as by the time we are fully nurtured and pruned, we will be launch into something great in life. In the journey of life there are those who are behind you, pushing you forward or trying to draw you back ward and there are those who are ahead of you trying to help you move forward faster or inhibit you from going or moving forward. Whichever way, we should never relent and keep pushing forward holding strongly and firmly unto what we believe, believing that one day things will be better, and better, and greater. Any "Difficult Position" you find yourself right now, never give up and be encouraged. Trust the process. Look ahead of your bright future and become a winner and conquerer.