Greetings all!
As many of you know, Fell Dragon Book 3 has come to an end. While I prep Book 4 for everyone to enjoy, I decided to do some recaps of the characters and some family trees. This was requested by a fan, I believe it was @alonicus but will stand corrected if I have the wrong name.
When I started putting all the characters together I realised just how many I had, so I decided to break them up into sections. As I have a soft spot for the Saith, I decided they would be the first I'd write about. So here it is.
Baks Royal Guard
Originally the General of the Royal Guard before losing his standing with King Pakaz and being banished with Silens. Returned years earlier with crimes pardoned. Biological father to Saasha, Bolx, Gatex, and Siar. Current head of the Royal Guard Academy and advisor to his daughter.
Silens Bellatrix
While a species related to the Saith, the name of her people has been lost when her planet was attacked by the Kai, sparking Baks to destroy the White House of Kai, leading to his banishment. Silens remained with Baks, thinking she had lost the child which cemented the treaty between her people and the Saith. Returned with the old general to discover that her child lived. Advisor to her eldest daughter, she is often seen slinking around the castle and gathering information she needs.
The second daughter of Baks and Silens. A commander within the Royal Guard. She shows much promise of raising to the rank of General, following in her father’s and sister’s footsteps. Has a daughter, Seana, through surrogacy.
Was the first-born son of Baks and Silens. Not of this time. Came from an apocalyptic future where the Fell Dragon had destroyed everything he loved. Had an intimate relationship with the Saita from his time and longs for it to return. In the beginning stages of starting a relationship with the main character.
The youngest of Baks and Silens. The current spymaster of Saasha. He has the ability to sneak around completely unseen if he needs to. He often travels from the planet to get the information that he requires. Has a vast network of people that work under him, so vast that not even the royals know how many people he employs.
Queen Saasha Blood Dancer
The main character for the Seeking series. The Queen lost her partner and husband to a Dekai attack decades ago, but continued with her role as the General of the Royal Guard, until her adopted uncle Pakaz, gave her the throne. She remains unmarried but revels in the fact that her family has grown. She was raised by adoptive parents, Tomax, and Aurus, from the age of five, along with her identical twin brothers Aastii and Kessa. She was later reunited with her biological parents once she was an adult. She is the mother of Larden and Bruce. She also adopted a Dekai son by the name of Jethron.
Brucel (Senior) Royal Guard
The Captain of the Royal Guard served with Saasha, his wife. They grew up together, and he sadly lost his life protecting her from being killed by Malekai. He got to see his firstborn but never met his second. Brucel comes from the prestigious line of the Royal Guard, who created the school that produces royal soldiers. He was the only son of the only son, and through him, his eldest, Larden, carries his name.
Larden Royal Guard
The firstborn of Brucel and Saasha. Current General of the Royal Guard that protects the Queen of the Saith, he is the father of Bahn, Sash, and Truhan, and is married to Danna. He inherited his father’s caution with his mother’s brightness.
Bahn Royal Guard
The firstborn of Larden and Danna. Current Captain of the Royal Guard under General Mertz Ironhead, who works under King Brucel. Bahn inherited his great-grandmother’s (Silens) sulkiness and takes his job seriously. Recently lost his wife in childbirth. The identical twin boys survived the ordeal, but may be prone to the effects of the Wasting Disease that appears in the wake of the Fell Dragon. He also has an eldest daughter, Miska, who has gone to the Royal Guard Academy as she is his eldest and he felt that since his grandmother (Saasha) went to the school, surely his daughter had the right to his family’s name. He was named after Bahn Ironarm, the man who helped Saasha as a child and saved Larden’s life at the loss of his own.
The second born of Larden and Danna. Sash was named after her grandmother but completely broke away from the family tradition of being raised as a fighter. She decided she wanted to be a doctor and became quite skilled in the field. She is the only one of the three children that inherited her grandmother and great-grandmother’s ability of Truth Seeking, but she kept that hidden for decades because she wanted to be a doctor and not receive the Truth Seeker schooling.
The final son of Larden and Danna. Seeing his sister break away from family tradition, he decided to follow suit and instead became a translator. He is active in his grandmother’s council as Saasha struggles with new languages. He and his adopted cousin Amarra are very close and there are discussions of having the two wed.
King Brucel (junior) Royal Guard
Often called Brucel’s final gift, the youngest of Brucel and Saasha never knew his father and feels this had a large impact on his life. While he had wanted to follow in his mother and father’s footsteps, his adopted great uncle (Pakaz) destroyed that by dying and naming him the second heir to the throne. Brucel is the King of the Saith on their secondary planet. He is often the voice of reason and willing to bring up things people don’t want to discuss. He is wed to Shannon (Kashexian) with a daughter Marie, and a son on the way.
And since the family tree is a little confusing to figure out who goes where I decided to draw one for all of you!
Saasha's line
Excuse my terrible handwriting, it isn't going to get any better! Next time I'll cover Jethron's line as I don't want to inundate all of you with too much information! I tried to remember all the symbols used in a family tree, so if I got a few wrong, look over the mistakes.
For those of you that have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here and the Book 3 here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
Reader's List
@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro,, @dibblers.dabs, @beeber, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @zakludick , @thinkrdotexe , @pixelhuntersam
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