Una mañana soleada, donde el sol muy sutilmente tocaba mi piel y me recargaba mis energias perdidas, después de una largo reposo donde me sentía anímicamente con las energías bajas. Fuel el momento oportuno para repotenciarme física y mentalmente.
Lo cierto fue que durante mi recorrido habitual matutino, he vivido muchas experiencias unas gratificantes y otras no tan buenas.
Hubo una situación que me llamo mucho la atención, una señora que se encontraba sentada en la acera estaba desorientada y pedia ayuda, no escatime en ayudarla al solicitar la ayuda. Inmediatamente le pregunte que le sucedía, rompió a llorar y me contó que ella no recordaba de donde venia, donde ella vivía. Empece acariciarle su cabello platinado, me senté a su lado y en voz muy baja me pidio guiame a casa. No recuerdo donde vivo repetia constantemente, salí a pasear y se me nublo la mente. Le mostré confianza y seguridad a la señora y le dije:-pronto estará con su familia.
Me acerque a la vigilancia de la urbanización, le conté al vigilante la situación por la cual estaba pasando la señora, se pudo contactar a su familia, su hija se presentó a la vigilancia y conversando manifesto que su mamá le habian diagnosticado Alzheimer en etapa inicial.
Me sentí contenta al poder ayudar a la señora, ese acto de bondad me llena espiritualmente, son ayudas que no tienen precio, solo me basta decir que vivo dia a día haciendo este tipo de ayuda. Simplemente con prestarle la ayuda de guiarla a casa y haberla puesto en contacto con su hija, de verdad no tiene precio.
Versión Inglés
A sunny morning, where the sun very subtly touched my skin and recharged my lost energies, after a long rest where I felt emotionally low. It was the right moment to repower myself physically and mentally.
.The truth was that during my usual morning tour, I have had many experiences, some rewarding and others not so good.
There was a situation that caught my attention, a lady who was sitting on the sidewalk was disoriented and asking for help, I did not skimp on helping her when requesting help. I immediately asked her what was wrong, she burst into tears and told me that she didn't remember where she came from, where she lived. I began to caress her platinum hair, I sat next to her and in a very low voice she asked me to guide me home. I don't remember where I live, I kept repeating, I went out for a walk and my mind became cloudy. I showed confidence and security to the lady and told her: - she will soon be with her family.
I approached the surveillance of the urbanization, I told the security guard about the situation the woman was going through, her family was able to be contacted, her daughter showed up to the surveillance and while talking she stated that her mother had been diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer's.
I felt happy to be able to help the lady, that act of kindness fills me spiritually, they are help that is priceless, it is enough for me to say that I live day by day doing this type of help. Simply helping guide her home and putting her in touch with her daughter is truly priceless.
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