Hello, Everyone.
"stand".Here's my entry for the #zapfic writing prompt in the @freewriters community. This week's prompt is, as far as I can gather,
I don't know whether I've put in the right tags or fulfilled all the requirements. I don't remember if I've written a zapfic before, but even if I had, it'd been years since then.
Well, anyway. Here it is.
She snapped at them. Everybody
chuckled. Oh, how she hated this stupid language machine automatically translating her indignation into a joke. Yeah, very funny. The woman in the wheelchair said she won't 'stand' for this. Hillarious.
Only he'd stayed quiet. He knew what it was like to be laughed at.
In other news, I haven't stopped writing Mary Windfiddle's adventures. You might get a few entries without illustrations here and there but I think I'll keep going even in this format.
See you soon!
Take care and be well!
Yay ! Welcome to the fun world of Zapfic 😁 It's amazing how you can tell a story in such a small amount of space, and a great way to practice trimming a tale back to it's key elements.
It's also a great way to experiment with an idea and see if it flies. Quite a few of my longer posts and series started off as sequels to Zapfics !
That sounds amazing :-) I've only had one prompt (from looong ago) that I fashioned into a longer story, so I think I need much more practice in order to gather material for more 😁