Do not destroy the good

in Freewriters3 years ago

A simple story...

The goat was eating grass and walking. Suddenly the hunter saw the sheep raising itself. It ran and hid in a bush. Disappointed, the hunter turned and walked away without seeing the goat.


The goat began to eat the leaves of the creeper that hid itself. That's it. Did we not save your life? Yet why destroy us? The goat said: “Everything that saved lives is an old story. I'm hungry now. The goat continued to feed. The hunter, who had returned when he saw the bush moving, shot the goat.

Moral of the story

The torment of the good is lost by the harm of those who have no memory of good. Every life is interconnected. No one is self-sufficient. Everything depends on something. The damage done by the dependents is the end of many of the dependents. There are also those who have become sarcastic with the insults returned by those who helped.


There are some who become attans when there is no one and when there is no merit. Their later life should also be dedicated to them. Be dependent

Not all people will be able to pay for it. But do not cut the stalk of the shady one. The sun will repeat, and the heat will be unbearable; Once cut, the stalk will never shade. No one else wants to keep the roots of those who were attached together.


Growth is made impossible by the distorted notion that one begins where the other ends. One is a continuation of the other; Without one, the loss will be felt in the other. It's not wrong to use someone to see things; The thing is, after seeing it, it's thrown away. There is no such thing as a one-man show.