in Freewriters3 years ago

I've heard many say "less expectations prevents disappointments" and this is very true. Promises has a way of lifting one's faith and trust to the next level and they look solely upon you to fulfil that. Whether they asked for it or not, making promises is a big risk one shouldn't take unless you're ready to fulfil it....

Why make promises when you know deep down you can't fulfill them? Why make someone who was once hopeless look up to you for something brighter only to shatter their hope into broken pieces? This may sound like nothing to you but I must say it means a lot to many.


I remember scoring top in my school after my BECE exams, I came back home from the cyber cafer where I went to check the result and was so happy and glad that virtually everyone knew there was a cause for celebration. Then a certain lady who stays in same building with me came to congratulate me, she promised to buy Christmas cloth for me as the season was fast approaching.

I counted it as a plus to what my parents will buy for me every Christmas as usual, but till today I got nothing. It's been up to 8 years since this happened, and I'm not the type that disturbs people over promises they made themelselves despite being a kid. Each time I remember this, I shrug but what can I do? I just let it lay.

I believe we all know what we're capable of doing and what we can't do, so why make promises when you know deep down within you you won't do them? It's a different case when you mad the promise and things doesn't turn out as planned. Things became rough for you and the least you should do is explain to the person in question, that you're fully aware and still remember your promise but you can't handle it at the moment rather than leave them hanging and they will understand.


Over the years, I've learnt never to hold on to people's words and promises cause the times I did, it all ended in tears. I've learnt not to put my mind to any promise no matter how little they may be cause I'll end up being disappointed, so if you fulfil them fine and if not still fine...

Actions speaks louder than words, so instead of making countless no of promises wait till you're able to do them... It's better as a suprise than an empty promise, No wonder they say "an empty vessel makes the loudest noise"... So think twice before you raise someone's hope next time.

"Well done is better than well said." -- Benjamin Franklin This is a quote from Shadowhub free writes.