Sin darme cuenta los años transcurrieron
Mostrando que la juventud es breve
Se llenó mi memoria de recuerdos
Mi piel habla en silencio y cayo la nieve
Es un largo viaje contra el viento
De pocas alternativas y mucha voluntad
Solo era brisa acariciando mi cabello
Al pasar del tiempo se hizo tempestad
Ese camino largo al que llamamos vida
Que la providencia nos da como regalo
A veces me sorprende a veces es rutina
Pero siempre es motivo de agasajo
Without realizing it the years went by
Showing that youth is brief
My memory was filled with memories
My skin speaks in silence and the snow falls
It's a long journey against the wind
Of few alternatives and a lot of will
It was only a breeze caressing my hair
As time went by it became a storm
That long road we call life
That providence gives us as a gift
Sometimes it surprises me, sometimes it's routine
But it's always a cause for celebration

Traducción realizada a través de https://www.deepl.com/es/translator /Translation through https://www.deepl.com/es/translator
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