Decepción por @monasterios

in Freewriters3 years ago


Pensar que mis sueños serían realidad, sería una mentira o una casualidad, tenía la esperanza de verte regresar resulta que el camino se te volvió a olvidar.

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Me dices que la vida contigo se ensañó, te cuento que mi vida nunca mejoró, si sabes lo que vale la palabra amor, no harías como un ave que voló, voló y voló, sabiendo que su nido solo lo dejó, pichones y recuerdos solo abandonó, si crees que te miento en lo que digo yo, recoge los pedazos de mi corazón.

No es nada que te fuiste sin mirar atrás, es que otra vez me pudiste engañar, quien es mas mentiroso entre tú y yo, no dudó que te lleves el premio mayor, me dejas aquí solo pero con dolor, de haber tenido solo desamor

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La vida siempre sabe lo que a uno le conviene, solo pido que contigo no venga y me envenene.

Seguire esperando mi cruel destino esperando no cruzarme en tu camino.


To think that my dreams would come true, it would be a lie or a coincidence, I was hoping to see you return, it turns out that you forgot the road again.

You tell me that life with you was cruel, I tell you that my life never got better, if you know what the word love is worth, you would not act like a bird that flew, flew and flew, knowing that its nest only left it, pigeons and memories alone abandoned, if you think I'm lying to you in what I say, pick up the pieces of my heart.

It's nothing that you left without looking back, it's that you could deceive me again, who is more of a liar between you and me, did not doubt that you take the biggest prize, you leave me here alone but with pain, of having only had heartbreak

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Life always knows what is good for you, I just ask that it doesn't come with you and poison me.

I will continue to await my cruel fate, hoping not to cross your path.