It is true that we do not possess the power to change other people's attitudes and ways of thinking, for each being is the absolute master of his or her free will.
What we can do, however, is to influence our immediate environment in a positive way through our example and our own actions.
Our attitude towards life and our dealings with others speaks about us and can awaken the best in others if serenity, empathy, respect and kindness prevail in us.
We should not try to change the person in front of us, but evolve ourselves by cultivating patience, understanding and a good disposition.
While we cannot decide for others, we do have a choice in how we deal with problems and relate to others.
By focusing on what we do have control over, such as our thoughts and behaviour, we can constructively influence our environment without forcing our will on others.
Well said.
A good lifestyle attract others and softens the environment
We must teach by example