I copied this image from https://pixabay.com/images/search/skin%20problems/
skin problemsThis is my post for #freewriters Friday prompt hosted by @mariannewest.
Have you ever looked back on your life and said what if? When I saw this prompt it brought back a memory of an old boyfriend that I had when I was in junior high. He had a terrible case of acne, I did not care about his skin problem I liked him. He was so nice, not like other boys who only wanted to get in your pants. He is now the head infectious disease doctor at a hospital. I wonder if we would have stayed together and if I would not have moved to another state how my life would be now. I wonder if I would already have the answers to my medical questions or would they still not know what is going on with me.
Somehow I can not picture myself as a doctor's wife. Having to go to the fancy parties and host brunches with the other doctor's wives. Nope, that is not me, so I guess it is for the best that we did not stay together. I wonder if he even remembers me. Probably not.
I have been feeling a little down over my medical condition and them not finding out what is wrong, but not anymore. I would not call this a skin problem, not sure what to call it. I was watching tv and a show came on about a man who lives in Vietnam, he had a 200-pound tumor, it grew down one side of his body. When he was young, they took one of his legs trying to stop it from growing but it came back. To make a long story short, a Dr from the US went over there and removed it.
This man, even with the tumor, was always smiling. He had every reason to be unhappy but he wasn't. After watching this show, I no longer feel bad about my situation, I have nothing to complain about.
So glad you found something inspiring along the way.💕
Yes, you think you have it bad but someone else has a lot more problems.