A running black...dot.

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

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Thanks Pixabay for the image.

A running black...dot.

I've been everywhere and I remember.
Every country, continent, city or town.
And I learned something:I saw hope and proud in the eyes
of those people who fought for freedom when they use me
to seal a solid agreement: Justice for all.

I was lucky. Some of my friends dissapeared on battles.
From vital documents to love letters, unfortunaly erased from history.
Some inspired musicians to create lovely songs,
others to write inconstitutional laws.

That's why I tell you that democracy isn't the best lover.
But it's the only good thing,for now, that helped us several times.
Take a look at the options:

  • Dictators enjoy that "invulnerability" feeling.
    Easily corrupted and freewill always compromised.

  • A monarchy is just about gossiping and fairly tales for magazines.

  • Socialism, comunism, capitalism are just words disguised as ideas, that gather people by just one thing: Money. Maybe that's why ,on some people, intolerance is just one step ahead.

Some like to choose different colors rather than black.
I see your point. Love someone is hard.
But, underestimate us is far beyond from what we believe.

If you rise your arm to erase me. I'll stand still.
If you throw me to the ground, we still exist.
If you try not to see me, it's because you don't have courage.
Courage to understand this country.

Every ink drop counts: Brown, yellow,white,black.
Some of my brothers are just stadistics now.
And one day, I'll join them.
But nothing stop me to ask people:

What if we instead of drawing guns,
show kids how freedom and respect can live together on a flag?
Teach good values, and then let it be.