The Errors in Relationship's & marriage's

in Freewriters7 days ago


Let me draw your attention to something about what is happening amongst youth today.

Youth's of today Are more use love playing,there there always feel marriage is abed of roses,They forget that the things they are use to while dating is a different thing entirely.

Let me burst your bubbles on some certain few things that cause errors in marriage................

(1) Fake life; yes you heard me this is a very big blow to the marriage society,while dating some people will stress themselves just to meet up with the demands of their partners just to prove a point that they are cable of taking care of them whereas there are going out of their way just impress .....

On the other hand some person's would go ahead to buy expensive wears and gadgets to parade with that they are of high class wait! wait! wait a minute am not encouraging a low class life am not saying you should dress shabby and tattered but please 🙏 🙏 let the person you are about settling down with know your financial status and your capacity so that if they can't build with you they take a turn..........

(2)Pride: This one is on a very high side people claiming what there are not just feel on top of the world........
Now listen carefully even the bible says pride goes before a fall. I beg your pardon pride is different from your Ego...
Don't allow anyone molest just because you want to be humble........

pride is breaking alot of marriages and relationship's a spouse can no longer apologize any longer when there are wrong everyone is feeling and claiming there are always right. As simple as the word "I am sorry" that is capable of quenching large furnace .......We are neglecting such a powerful tool


Let's talk about one more which is......

(3) use of Abusive words: A wise man once said "Silence is not Weakness" most women are victims of this they no longer have regards for their lovers or husband's simply because they did something wrong some doesn't mean he's useless some do it when he's no longer capable of taking care of her needs or when they're the ones paying the house bills...........

Men on the other hand do it When things start going wrong I their,Sir due respect she's not responsible for your downfall, you loved her as you love yourself. Come to think if it the Bible says "The two shall become one" Now you will never allow any say trash to you why say it to another?

When you know anything you say can't be retrieved......


(4) Competition:So many people are living competitive life with their peers if she's lucky to marry a man that's well to do, marry your own that only gas a job and peace of mind at the moment You surely ur desire life you work hard and smartly in agreement....
(5) Depending totally on your spouse: Okay let me draw your attention to this because some might not know, most women especially just need a man not because there want build a home but because he will Carter for all their needs and that of their family forgetting to know this man too has a family and other responsibilities and when you start having children he becomes chocked up......
Boom!!! he becomes a victim of high blood pressure, If he's quick to anger he will start abusing you ( Domestic violence).

Hmmmmm no matter how little it is please 🙏 contribute because little drops of water they say makes a mighty ocean..........

In general terms please engage high level of respect for each other. .............

Not because you finally got married you stop doing what you wer doing to keep him......

Stay safe out there..........

let's make the world a better place......

Greetings dear friends I remain ntul mark mark and I am known as @ntul001 on this space. I will always remain glad to bring in the little I know to this platform.......And what is drawing my attention to what am about to write now is the rate of divorce among the young marriages of today......

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This is great sir... I think if one could practice this your write up would actually avoid divorce.

@kastropaul398 the world would indeed become a better place

All the points you gave are valid and if properly giving attention to and avoided we could become better and have different experiences. Thank you for sharing sir

Good bless you sir, for the acknowledgement and confirmation of this content