DDD, a freewite

in Freewriters2 years ago


It started off as just another night of drinking and talking. The stories were about children and grandchildren as they warmed up over their first martinis, then veered into stories about their teenage years and all the sex they had as they started in on martini #3. Once they were good and drunk, the most sober among them, the Designated Dinner Doer, would start to cook dinner.

Conversation had drifted into all the stupid things they did while drunk, as conversations always did after dinner and the beer was flowing from a tap to pitchers to the campfire on shore. The DDD had cleaned up, and joined them at the fire just as the fireworks were starting.

The truth telling firewarks that is. The secrets that had never been told among family members with drinking problems. The back stabbing going back generations.

It's a good thing only the DDD would remember, the next day, the secrets that had been told the night before.


challenge. Today's prompt is drinking and talking.This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite



This is why you must always make the DDD swear an oath never to reveal and always conceal the secrets of the brotherhood. Being a lifelong non-drinker and party pooper, I could have run a tremendous little blackmail business over the years:)

Do tell!!!