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RE: Scratch Grains, a freewrite

in Freewriters2 years ago

Where neither of them was happy.

It wasn't so much about them being in Bodunk. It wasn't even so much about the scratch feed. It was about the pollen, specifically Linden tree pollen.

You see, she hated honey! She was convinced that even the tiniest amount of honey would make her feel nauseous. Whenever the Lindens bloomed, she was miserable - sneezing, hacking, effusing (is that a word?), crying, and congested.
He, however, loved honey, specifically Linden honey. He got bees so he could have Linden honey, which was hard to find, delicious, and especially good at controlling his pollen allergies.

One night in June, while he was snug in bed, sound asleep, she had a sneezing attack. She sneezed 43 times in a row! He said "just try my honey honey."

That was it. She hated honey so much she also hated being called honey. Outside she went with a baseball bat, and smashed his hive.

You can imagine the end of the marriage came soon after that.

They separated. She moved to the center of Bodunk,where there were no Linden trees, and was instantly cured of her allergies.

He remained in their home, with the chickens, who could now have all the scratch they wanted, started up his hive again.

Once the divorce was final, they lived happily ever after.

How is that @buckaroobaby? Nice to see you around these parts again. I go to your page often to see what's up with you. How have you been?


Yay! All's well that ends well 😁

🤣🤣🤣 Brilliant! How did you come up with this so fast? I love your unique style of writing. It is really so different - at least to me. Poor guy, I would choose his lifestyle, honey, any day 😎

Me too. He is me in this freewrite. This was really fun to freewrite. Thanks for "asking " me to do it.

Thanks for actually making the sequel. So fun