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RE: 5 minute freewrite 2592 prompt trick him

in Freewriters3 months ago

Rudy is quite a character! I remember the day you brought him inside. You bottle fed him intuitively, but didn't expect him to survive. Now look at him! A full fledged house rabbit! I love your stories about Rudy.

Your son harvested palmetto berries? Is that even a crime?


You brought back memories of me caring for him and how I thought he would not make it. He has turned out to be quite the little character.

As for the berries, you are not allowed to pick them on state owned land, even if "We The People" are supposed to be the owners of the land. It is not ok for us to pick them but they can go in with a mulching machine and grind the entire palmetto plant down to the ground.

I saw a bunch of dollar weed on the preserve by my house and I wanted to pick some of it for Rudy but my husband said I would get arrested for it. I said why? it is a weed, he said you can not pick anything from state or county land.

That's just nuts!

yes it is, Fl is known for being nuts!!!!