"Guide Me Home" – three simple words, yet they carry profound meaning.

in Freewriters2 months ago

Home - not just a word but a feeling to me.

It's not anymore a place to me where I come after a long day. Rather, it means a place to calm, a place that creates a sense of belonging, a chaos-free environment where I can be Me!

Who would guide me if I'm not?

I believe no one in this whole universe can guide me to find the place that I could call home. Yes, I do have a place of living that I call home. But what if it's gone? What if I wander around? What if I'm unsure where I'm heading?


I would better guide myself to the place. I will find somewhere in this universe where I can embrace my inner feelings and nobody will call me crazy. I would find someone who would give me the comfort that would feel like home.


I don't want to go back to where I started. Guide me, the universe, to a place where I'm heading to heal myself.

I'm a lost soul, searching for peace. Guide me somewhere I can rest, where I don't have to rush to gain materials, but I would be my priority. Show me the path, the walkway so I can step in.

I trust the process; I would follow it if it's even an uncertain walk. I can't wait to go home, feel the warmth, and be myself forever. I will know it when I arrive.

Your @peacefulsoul


Hello, @peacefulsoul ! Your words literally hit home. I felt like that last year, when my personal life became a walking chaos due to some family problems. And since I felt that I needed a guide, I decided to trust the process, as you said, knowing that not every problem is forever, and that one day I would rest from the chaos, recharge energy and continue to walking through life, because life is a teacher who is both kind and unkind, and its lessons are always valuable.

A huge hug from Mexico!

It is total chaos, but I'm working on it and know I can guide myself. I bet you are doing the best for yourself too. Never give up, the universe will guide you. A big hug to you too.