FreeWrite: The Bee Club

in Freewriters4 months ago


Pixabay - Akbarnemati

The Bee Club

When everyone is happy for too long, the happiness fades. The queen knew that. The workers were getting a little complacent and the buzz was dying down.

Their home was great. There are meadows nearbies with abundent pollen, there's no wild animals, and the humans nearby respect their homes. They had migrated years ago, but the queen knew they can't stay there forever.

It's time for a change. And it's best the change came from her, rather than a new queen that replaced her. She already knew that a few members flew away and joined other colonies, but it was kept secret.

Most other workers just assumed that the dangers of the world got to them. But an almighty queens knows her colony like no other.

She set out a mission to find new locations. There were a couple of options; in the end she decided to migrate next to a night club, for the entertainment of the bees. It sounds silly, but a night club hive is what could bring her colony to fame and even colonise other bees.

Raves would be all the buzz, and it could entice other queens to join and merge their colonies with hers, the queen of all queens!

The move was trickier; she had to entice her hive by migrating in the dark of nights. She served honey shots for a burst of energy before they flew into the night, in the alley of where the night lights burst wild.


The prompt by @Daily.prompt was 'entertainment for the bees'.

I like using the freewrites as ways of expressing silly ideas! I hope you enjoyed the bee rave.