I Can't Explain...

in Freewriters2 years ago

It is said something like, " truth is whatever I may be thinking at the moment".
So what are we talking about when we talk about, 'seek out the truth'? Crowned by the definte article (which I will capatilize for full effect) - 'The Truth' suggests a level of objectivity. Something that can only exist beyond you or me....and for that reason, if it exists, must therefore actually exist (myterioulsy quantum sort of way).
As oxymoronic as that may sound it does point to an aspect of truth which I think people rarely consider- that is that, if a truly objective veiw on any given situation were even possible, it would mean that the space time contimuum including the event in question would be extant, beyond the witnesses or participants (a la 'tree in the woods') witnessing or participating..... and isn't that just the very definition of Fate...?

5-min freewrite inspired by C/Freewriters daily writing challenge prompt: seek out the truth

Photo by Deepak Ramesha