A Piece Of Self Reflection

in Freewriters3 years ago

As humans we get scared of disappointing people and ourselves sometimes and that’s okay, this is something I got to realize when I was 8 years old. At that age I really had nothing to worry about aside doing my school home work, playing, going to bed and preparing for school. Sometimes what I considered a big problem for me then was looking for the nearest house I can go watch a movie in. The place I grew up in, used to be a very nice community I don’t know how it is now. But you get my point? I was only considering these things a big problem because I was 8. But then, I realized that taking the first position in class was a big deal for most parents and that was a different case for me because bottom 3 used to be my spot academically.



I lived with my grandparents, my grand mother didn’t know how to read and write so knowing what my grade was in school was not a problem. Her only concern was I didn’t end up being at the bottom of my grade or rather as we used to call it, taking the last position in class. But then my dad used to come and ask about my education when he comes to visit me in my grandparent’s house.

One day I decided to try and put effort in my education to see if I could make my Dad proud by surprising him that his son was among the top 3 academically in my class. I knew that the first step I had to take was taking my assignments seriously. I used to be the type you would consider unserious when I was 8 years old. I never cared about school, I just wanted to play with my friends.

Yeah! So talking about taking my assignments seriously as the first step, I asked other pupils in class how they got good grades in their assignments, they told me their parents helped them and sometimes their older siblings helped them too. Wow!!! Must be nice! That was my reaction because I didn’t stay with my parents, I stayed with my grandparents who didn’t know how to read or write and I don’t have any older siblings to help me. But I had neighbors who were my grandparent’s tenants that took me as their younger brother. I decided to ask these guys for help.



They did great in helping me do my assignments. There is this lady, she is dark and tall, her name is blessing, I used to call her “Aunty Blessing” as a sign of respect. She was probably 15 years older than me, I could remember going to her room every evening to do my assignments and she will prepare some of the best dishes while doing my assignments. Sometimes I stayed late because I wanted to eat her food. She helped me solve most of my home-works and I was amazed by how smart she is. Funny how I think about it now and I laugh, she was probably 23 years old or older helping an eight year old solve his assignment, of course they were simple and easy for her to solve.

I started reading my books more and studying because I wanted to be among the top 3 in my class. While studying I found out I was enjoying it, because this made me become outstanding in class. I could answer questions in class, my teachers would ask the class to give me a round of applause because they were impress by my answers. They started encouraging and telling me to keep up with my studying because according to them I was becoming smarter now.

I must say, this went a long way in making me study more, I can remember learning the meaning of Growth & Development when I was eight. That was the first definition I could define perfectly without checking my notebook. Funny how I still remember the definition.



School became more fun for me, because I always looked forward to learning new things. We finally wrote our exams and I was so excited because I couldn’t wait for the results to be out and that means that I couldn’t wait to show my dad my grade.

Prize giving day was here and my dad was going to come and visit me, this means that I will happily show my dad my prize on the day he comes to visit me in my grandparent’s house. So I wore my finest polo shirt, jeans and shoes that shun light every step I took. I was so proud of myself, I went for the prize giving party, danced, ate and drank like a winner that I am.

It was finally time for the prize giving moment, they decided to call the top 3 best students of each class and gave them their prizes but unfortunately I wasn’t among them. That got me really disappointed because I was hoping that was a chance I had to show my Dad that I was good in class. I went home really sad and scared, I was sad that I didn’t get any prize and I was scared because I thought my Dad would get mad at me.

I got home and my Dad was there at the dinning table having his dinner. I hugged him and told him about my prize giving party and how I didn’t get any prize. My Dad told me not to worry about it and that I have many more years to make up for that day. This uplifted my spirit and made me realize that sometimes it’s okay to fail, it’s not the end of the world, you have more years to make up for that. Don’t beat yourself up on that. This is something that has helped me on my journey to Succes in life.

I hope this helps to light up your day and thanks for reading


Your father is such a good parent. It always good not to underrate, demean, scold, a kid unnecessarily at a tender age. The support your dad geared towards you has gone a long way in sharping you mentally in a positive way. All thanks to him and thanks for putting this out as well.

Thanks a lot my friend for reading, yeah my Dad sometimes used to baffle me with the way he handled situations when I was a kid.

Its good that this act triggered the positive side of you.

Not to throw my dad under the bus, but i wished he handled my academic performance the way yours did. Mine made failure look like a disease, and would throw derogatory remarks like pieces of candy to drive his message home.
Dialogue is certainly underrated in this clime, when it comes to addressing academic performance of students by their parents/ guardians. Even when students are putting in effort to change the narrative, is probably out of fear for their folks.
I enjoyed your piece.

Thanks a lot for reading and appreciating my post. I’m sorry you had to go through this, most times parents do this ignorantly because that’s the only way they were taught and they mask it with tough love. I only hope that we become better parents to our future children.

I don't blame him at all. I have come to the realization that their actions were just a product of their own childhood reality.

bottom 3 used to be my spot academically

You look like it, lol...
I saw one of your childhood picture you posted a while back, you looked unserious, lol.

she will prepare some of the best dishes while doing my assignments.

Food has its way of opening up our minds...
I'm glad you shared this story, clearly, when we are willing to make a change for the best, it starts with an effort and yours came into fruition gradually.

Your dad was always there for you and that was a more positive energy you needed.

Today, I guess the top three is just a number and you've made yourself and pop proud.

Your dad was always there for you and that was a more positive energy you needed.

Yeah, he had a great impact in my
Childhood because I used to look up to him a lot.

Today, I guess the top three is just a number and you've made yourself and pop proud.

When I entered high school, top three became my reality till I finished university.

top three became my reality till I finished university.

Life in its glory, no competition needed...

Wow what a beautiful landscape 🤩💜