Prompt: Fringe
The fringe between the different countries is always that it has caught my attention, because generally it has a very rich history behind it, of wars, divisions, political problems and how the human being is segregated by the control and power of a territory . Although it looks like a scarf, I see it as a limit.
This is the first meaning that comes to mind when this word is mentioned, although it has many other meanings, it seems to me that my tendency to worry about the problems in the world, reminds me of that sense.
A fringe means a limit, to impose a territory that you cannot enter if they do not allow it or you are authorized, and it makes me remember moments from my childhood and youth when I challenged an opponent or he challenged me saying: "no you dare to cross this line ", and generally we ended up in trouble for accepting the challenge and showing courage.
There is also the safety fringe in the subway stations, in which we all know that we should not cross it to avoid injuries or accidents.
I believe that the fringe is a control mechanism and that it must be respected when it comes to the law and things that are to protect us, but when it comes to improving our lives, we should not take those limits into account and exceed the fringe.

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