Check - Another freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)


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Prompt: Check

Checking everything on a daily basis is a task that can be exhausting and routine. Every day checking if you have received that answer that you are waiting for so long by email, or for example checking if the plant has borne fruit, or if the patient's fever has dropped.

Looking at this I realize that every day we check something, from the first moment we get up we walk we check the clock to see the time and start our day.

And I, for example, have to go daily checking if the water reaches where I live, to collect water that is used for cooking, cleaning my home and of course for personal hygiene.

So we live in a constant check of everything. The same here in noise, we are constantly checking if we have reached our goal, or reviewing the comments they have made us.

So life becomes a constant checkup, what things right?


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