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@mariannewest this is my first one of these, thank you for the prompt!
There is something to appreciate about the steady nature of a cup of black coffee. Though you can brew it with different beans or use a different machine on any given day, the taste is always more or less what you expect. It is what it is and has no regrets about it.
Black coffee never tries to be anything other than itself. If you change anything about the coffee such as adding milk or sugar, then it is no longer a black coffee, it evolves into a different drink. Black coffee has the incredible power to be both constant and always ready to change I suppose.
Black coffee is something that I never really expected to enjoy, but it is something that brings a sense of comfort and provides a way of starting a day that allows for you to wake yourself up and get after things.
Another aspect of black coffee that is quite powerful is its omnipresence anywhere in the world. When you wake up just about anywhere in our world, you are not too far away from a coffeeshop, somewhere to get the reliable cup of black coffee.
Thousands of people are responsible for getting that coffee to every corner of our planet and we never really give that any thought. The interconnectedness of our existence can be experienced with each sip of that reliable black coffee. Someone grew the beans, packaged them, shipped them, marketed them, imported them, priced them, placed them for sale, brewed the cup and handed it to you. So much can go into something that is so basic. We need to not take for granted just how much a cup of black coffee can represent and mean to us in this world.
I'm drinking a cup right now!
Hi rob23,
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Oh wow thank you!
brew one up~!
Might be about to make another one LOL
This is a wonderful first freewrite -- well done! And YES, the interconnected nature of the world and what it takes for everything we enjoy should not be taken for granted!