So glad you enjoyed the post, @nioberojas !
I usually write my explanations so that hopefully a child can understand.
I love your story about standing by your "nude" photos. That is the kind of bold behavior that ruffles a groups's feathers and can get someone 'banned' or it can turn someone into an influencer. (Which it sounds like it did for you!)
And yes, that happens in many countries. It's quite common, historically, though it'd be nice if it changed. :)
I totally agree with you, the most prepared leaders are the ones who responsibly weigh the outcome of all their actions, and then choose with the most positive intentions. That same trait may cause them to avoid leadership, as you said, or to focus so much on it that they neglect to become 'attention-getters' and so they go undiscovered, unelected.
Well, that paragraph was an angst-driven emotional outburst from a censored teenager, but it does hold some seeds of truth. At the same time one could also look around and see more love than ever. Vitalik donating to help India. More artists, musicians, and creators than the planet has ever had before. Incredible movements like web 3.0 and DeFi paving the way for new systems and (hopefully) better ways of living. Since there's two sides to every coin, we all get to choose which view of the world we focus on. The picture the news and the media paints, or the picture mother nature and evolution paints. Definitely food for thought. Either way, I'm glad you liked that paragraph and that it resonated with you, it was fun to write.
And I'm thrilled you got value out of the post and took time to express such emotion, passion, and appreciation here. Thank you.
I'd love to read a long-form piece you write on a topic you feel is worth it. And your English seems totally fine, possibly even above average, to me. Much appreciation! 🙏
Totally true about those two sides of the coin!
I usually make jokes about it:
I think there will always be a pessimist teenager in my heart... u.u
hahaha, anyway, I'll be honored if you read me some day, I hope to find the time and courage to write something of this level ❤️
Keep on the good job!
Hahaha, very good point (and joke!)
And maybe so, maybe that teenager is in everyone, lol, who knows.
And yes, I started to read your story about the 'cousin', but had to stop to help some clients, post on Instagram, and eat lunch. 🙏