Ella caminaba tambaleante por la calle, ya no recordaba hacia que lado iba. Las noticias recibidas acabaron con su paz. Recordaba estar parada en el portal de su casa y leer una nota que abrió rápidamente al ver el remitente.
La emoción se contuvo dentro de su ser. Era una estupenda noticia. Ahora si comenzaría su nueva vida.
Camino mientras leía una y otra vez. Se perdió entre su calles casi sin darse cuenta. Seria la primera de su familia aceptada en la universidad. Ella sería la primera en graduarse si aceptaba la beca, su familia estaría orgullosa de ella.
La encontraron todavía caminando tambaleante por la calle a unas cuantas cuadras de su hogar. Su hermana más pequeña la vio cuando salio caminando atontada, todavía sin saber que hacer llamo a sus mayores.
La noticia le había impactado demasiado, una carga pesada llevaba en sus hombros. Mientras la familia celebraba discretamente, ella todavía temblaba en su alma.
Este texto corresponde a mi participación en el reto diario del amigo @latino.romano y @mariannewest
She staggered down the street, no longer remembering which way she was going. The news she'd received shattered her peace. She remembered standing in the doorway of her house and reading a note, which she quickly opened when she saw the sender.
The emotion was contained within her. It was wonderful news. Now her new life would truly begin.
She walked while reading it over and over again. She got lost in the streets almost without realizing it. She would be the first in her family accepted to college. She would be the first to graduate if she accepted the scholarship; her family would be proud of her.
They found her still staggering down the street a few blocks from her home. Her younger sister saw her when she walked out in a daze, still not knowing what to do, and called her elders.
The news had shocked her deeply; she carried a heavy burden on her shoulders. While the family quietly celebrated, she was still trembling in her soul.
This text corresponds to my participation in the daily challenge of my friend @latino.romano and @mariannewest
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