Going to share a sample of poetry written many years ago. This post it's for my first spiritual master.
I put on your head a flower crown,
Feeling fear and thrill.
‘Cause one day I know you’ll pass away…
In a too young heart, endless hopes –
In a spirit built on aspirations, too intense emotions…
I dream of you on high pillars…
Have you ever sought my eyes and felt the same fear and thrill as I do ?
For once at dawn I’ll die…
I'm fascinated by the changes that take place in one's heart. And somehow sad to observe them. Because when I wrote the verses below, all my being was craving and almost vanishing after THAT PERSON (I'll name here T.)
Now, when I talk to T. or see on social media, I feel an inner confort, a state of calmness, even relief. No more suffering or craving.
The first thought I have about T. it's GRATEFULNESS, because this connexion has opened my eyes to the unseen world. My perspective on life became wider, it's like the first time in my life, through love, I was able to perceive the magical subtle world. It's was the first the person who talked to me about mindfulness, connection with nature, with someone else's energy.
T. was like a short and intense rain! I didn't know when it had started and I was even more confused and it had ended. T. had to move from our city in order to start its universitary studies. Nothing was clear or settled between us - friends, more than friends, potential lovers ? I used to keep this possibilities in my mind, T. never opened itself about it.
What was once suffering, now became relief. It took me some years to understand T. and what a beautiful gift brought me!
Thank you, T.! You were the first light for my Spirit! You've initiated me giving to me the most beautiful flower crown! Because it was the apprentice's.
Thank to all you for reading these lines!