Hi to the community!
I feel it's been a while since I haven't written here! These days I felt some sort of lack, the lack of something..I guess Hive have become a place where I may relax and share my lyrical thoughts with all of you :)
I must confess it was a provoking week for me.
So, let's pass to the most important content : a waiting teenager's thoughts.
I'm already waiting for you. My eyes are looking to see your shadow over the street. I winced for sure many times, maybe in vain ... or maybe several times. Sitting down by the side of the road. At least twice I’ve noticed. Should you see a melancholy face or better a cheerful one? In the end, I fell this will be in vain.
Your slightly worried face, given your obvious delay, will make mine so happy, smiling widely. And your eyes will tell me the truth.
For now, I'm waiting..but soon you'll be gone forever..Isn't what I'm doing here useless?
That’s a question that kept haunting me, because there was hope and a strange lucidity at the same time.
I'm glad and thankfull for your time to read! These past moments are sweet and sour, but precious. 'Cause, despite the pain, it's something that proved me I was alive..