Hello everybody !
I've finally decided to take to the surface the whole world that was about to burst in my being, carrying all the good and less good things I've felt.
I truly hope that less people will feel what is written below. If you do, get lost on this feeling. Just let it be..
I'd like to call you ‘’mom’’, oh, you, the one who gave me life! I’ve opened my eyes in some ruins eaten and dug by human’s greed and time’s carelessness.
I was told that you gave me birth in the cathedral of the Lord, where tears bloom in roses. Where the whispers of death take me to Heaven.
But I've never felt your arms around my little baby body barely born. I have not sucked from your breast the nectar of joy, where mother and child become one.
I freeze so much under the shroud of loneliness. I feel that I can feel it if you did not bring me to this world through the Light, mother. But why here? Have you ever wanted me? Where was your soul when you and dad were embracing your bodies frantically?
Night falls on my soul, still waiting to take me in your cold arms. Revive me, call me! Let me feed on the abundance of your breast! If not, all the candles will go out in the cathedral, which I still don't see.
You whispered in my ear, when you had just swaddled me, that you had brought me to the cathedral of the Lord. But without your touch, I see the wildest hell seducing me, whispering my name.
Mom, why have you left me?
Thanks for reading