The tree moved with such fierce calmness, hypnotic and yet confusing. As I sat down on the desk close to the window in the confusing French class, I looked at the leaves dancing in a rhythm that called for help.
I could tell because I just could. I wanted to be a leaf, a tree even. I didn't need to worry about school, love, crushes, or anything. It felt free and calm. So, I just kept watching them dance in the most beautiful pattern, it was a rhythm to the wind. Sway left, then right, then to the back and front. I wanted to dance with the leaves, invested in their strange ritual. I decided I'll practice when I get home.
Home a few hours later, I resided and got chores out of the way when I remembered the trees dancing. So I put on white noise on my Spotify and swayed in the leaves pattern. Laughing as I went along. It was beautiful. As I danced on I felt a beautiful feeling fill my body. I closed my eyes, dancing in my small student room and as I danced, I felt the breeze on my skin, I heard the car noises and I felt free and open.
I opened my eyes because I started hearing voices and when I looked around, I was high above the ground, panic flew into my chest. My heart was pounding and I felt light, too light. I looked around and I saw my desk. Where I sat to watch the leaves dance. And then I noticed that I was a tree. I could see, and feel, hear everything. My roots are connected to so much.
It was all too much. I felt peace and chaos, I felt alive but I felt like I was dying. The fumes and every other human act were helping and both destroying me. I couldn't take it anymore.
And so, I closed my eyes back and swayed in the opposite direction. Hoping for home and its chaos and within minutes, I felt that familiar home feel, and as I opened my eyes, I met my neighbor's kind ones.
" What kind of dance, did you dance till you fainted?" He asked brows furrowed.
I smiled and hugged him. Surprised, he jerked back and hugged me again. I was home. Far away from the chaotic pace of the leaves.
My name is Sherah Miguel Daniels and writing is my game.