What makes one think to lose weight!??

in Freewriters4 years ago

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We keep on moving in our lives as normal. We have hang outs with friends, we have junk food, we have fast food and all sorts of beverages. We are not care ful of out health at all , usually when we are in our teenage. After our twenty we gradually start putting on some weight of it's not a genetic one.

In short we are not careful of what body changes we are developing.

After few years of having all the unhealthy routine. People start asking you that have you put on some weight?? And you don't bother to it even.

And then the change is more obvious to those who are seeing you after a long time. What their expressions are probably; is this you? You used to be so slim and smart. Some of the friends and relatives start calling you "FATTY".Things keep on going like this and then you finally realize that your clothes are getting tighter which used to fit smoothly on you. Finally you realize that you have become fat. And the life goes on. You still don't bother and keep going with the old schedules. Hanging out at food places etc.

What doesn't makes you think is that its only few kilo's and you can easily out it off with a little walk and some control on the food. Things are moving the same way as they used to be. You start making little plans in your mind that one day you would start running or walking in the park and weigh shedding would be just normal.

In some of the months you you even try making efforts to lose weight. You reduce your eatings and in some days you get passionate to get slimmer you start exercising and then you are exhausted and you leave everything aside and forget to lose weight.

A time would come when you would now realize that you have been getting uncomfortable of your weight. There is a certain weight of us in which we are comfortable to move in the surroundings. But after putting in weight you don't find your selves fit in our clothes and you start putting some extra coats so that you hide that extra weight. You start buying lose clothes so that you can be comfortable. But these are the escaping HABBITS. These are the approaches you make to start excepting your weight.

But! This weight would ultimately be effecting your health. You would realize that many of your friends are more healthier and active than you are. You would realize that you and getting more lazy. You are getting low grades in your studies. You have started sleeping more.

You are getting more of headaches and more of joint and muscle pain. That day it may click to your mind that may be the things are going due to unhealthy routine. You realize that you were more healthier when you were smart and you realize that increase in your body weight is the loading cause of all sorts of issues.

This makes you think that you finally have to lose weight and become healthy.


workout is most important