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Museum of odd things. Museum of odd things. I love the idea of museums of odd things. I once went to a little fair, a little county fair, and there was an attraction set up with advertisements like, "See the world's smallest woman!" and my sister and I thought it would be funny to check it out, because we thought it would be like a doll in a display or something, because we knew that freak shows were not really a thing any more, at least not like that. I mean, I think Cirque shows were a thing, shows where people contort their bodies in freakish ways, but a show where we gawk at a person for being a little person, or being a bearded woman, or just some slight difference of being human? That sort of thing did not exist anymore. It was the year 1998 or 1999, after all. So we were completely unprepared to walk up this set of trailer stairs and see, behind a kind of wall they had set up to block the view from the outside of the exhibit, a little person. Like, just a person who experienced dwarfism of her body, sitting on some pillows and watching a little tv. We were so uncomfortable. We felt like we had violated someone, and like we had been violated for entering into that situation, for that situation being something we could enter. I couldn't believe and I still can scarcely believe that that was real, that that fair actually had that exhibit.