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Over the ridge. Over the highway and over the ridge, to grandmother's house we go! I just can't not hear it in that singsongy way. Over the ridge. AKA over the hill, AKA over 40. Is that when they say the hill is? I mean, if I do live to 110 as I plan to do, then my hill ain't coming up until 55. So I'm well under the hill, under the ridge. But the hill is nice. Nice view from the hill, nice view from the ridge. I want to keep reading this essay that I was supposed to have finished for today, but we didn't have time to discuss it anyway, so it's okay that I didn't finish it. Well, didn't even start it until after class. Belmont is drinking lots of water now. Maybe he was extra thirsty and that's why he was restless. He's going downhill, speaking of hills. Poor pup. I don't know if we've done everything right. We certainly didn't spend the money on him that we spent on Kirby, and it's because he didn't start having health issues until he was already about 13. Let's see, he's 15 now, if the estimate of his age was correct. He did have a lump some years ago, that we paid to have removed and biopsied. It wasn't cancer. The other things were slower in approaching. And didn't start approaching until he was already on the older side and we wouldn't spend thousands when he was already 13. I guess...some dogs do live to be even older. But he already seemed old by the time he started really seeming senile. Ugh the timer is done, I don't like this freewrite, good night.