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Survival of the richest is like, planet earth today. They are using their billions to build their own private rockets, they are planning their colonizations of other planets, no doubt. I have this theory that the space shuttle at the California Science Center is some rich person's backup plan for high-tailing it off the planet. That's why they're building the new museum to store it ready for take-off. Wouldn't it be something if I were right about that? I mean, I think it's just a joke but that's the kind of thing that a billionaire could spend their billions on. Hmm. I should look into who provided the most funding for the new museum. I think someone should write a movie script about that. Maybe I should. Maybe I don't want to, huh? Did you ever think about that? But yeah I should publish more, I mean gotdamn I'm a damn good writer. So I could probably make some bucks off it. I met a poet at an LA Arts thing that said he makes like 70% of his income from his poetry. He does typewriter poetry stuff (there's more than one typewriter poetry event companies!), he teaches poetry workshops...maybe that wasn't part of the 70%, maybe that was part of the 30%. I think...he gets paid to do his poetry at events, maybe? And he sells his poetry books. Stuff like that. And Brendan was just listening to a radio program with a poet who sells his poetry books. I mean, yeah, it can be done.