😭MY FEAR 😭Episode Three

in Freewriters3 months ago


“What are you doing here? I told you to look for another room and pass the night. Why did you occupy my son’s doorstep? I said it that you are a witch. Why are you spying on my son and his new wife? What are you up to? Are you sure have not planted charms for them to step on? Will you stand up from that place!” Nura’s mother-in-law yelled at her with a loud voice. Nura did not know when she slept off while sitting in front of her matrimonial room the previous night. The pain she felt after being chased out did not allow her to stay in the new room she had prepared for herself.

“What were you thinking? Who advised you to stay here over the night? So, you have become my son’s security officer? Did you think if you stayed here, Charles would come out and be with you? You are making a mistake. You had better read the handwriting on the wall and pack your things and leave this house before I throw you out myself. By the time I finish with you, you will realize you are of no use to my son or to my family.” The old woman continued ranting angrily. Nura did not say a word. She was too ashamed to say anything. She did not know if she should defend herself or accept that she was wrong to have spied on Charles and his new wife. She decided not to blame herself.

“I was even calm. Any woman in my position would have created a serious scene yesterday night, but I was able to control my emotions. The least I did was sit here and cry, that’s all. At least, you cannot beat a child and tell the child not to cry.” Nura said to herself. She was too scared to talk to her mother-in-law because the woman always sounded like a lioness looking for who to devour.

“I’m too smart to engage this woman in a rant. I can’t keep arguing with her because her mind is made up about me. I think the best thing to do is to leave this compound so that I can have peace of mind.” Nura said in her mind as she stood up to leave. She went into her room, packed her things into different bags. She brought the bags into the living room. At that time, Charles and his new wife had come out from the matrimonial room and were relaxing, playing and watching television just like newly married couples observing their honeymoon.

“Where are you going Nura? Have you prepared morning food? You can’t just leave the house when I have not eaten my breakfast. Please, prepare something for me to eat.” The new wife said. Her head was resting on Charles’s chest because both of them were sitting on the same sofa in the living room.

“Where I’m going to is none of your business. And if you are hungry, go to the kitchen and fix something for yourself because I’m not your housemaid.” Nura replied.

“And where do you think you are going?” Charles asked Nura. He stood up from the sofa and walked to the door just when Nura wanted to open it and leave. He held the door's lock and prevented her from opening it.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m leaving this house of course. It has become clear to me that I’m not wanted here anymore. I have to leave because I don’t want to keep seeing things that would jeopardize my peace of mind. Please, don’t stand in my way.” Nura said with a serious expression on her face. Charles was still standing there, holding the door.

“Yes of course, I’m going to stop you. You are still my wife because we are not divorced yet neither have your family returned the bride price I paid on your head. So legally, you are still my wife.” Charles said.

“So what are you saying?” Charles asked.

“I’m saying you are going nowhere. And from today, you can only leave this compound only with my express permission. Who do you think you are? You think you can do what you want without consequences? Since you have grown wings, I will clip those wings and make you realize your place in this house.” Charles said to Nura.

“Darling, please, don’t allow her to leave. I can’t do domestic work. I need her around to help me run errands. Please, don’t allow her to go. Her presence would make me happy.” The new wife said with conspiratorial smile. She wants to continue to ride on Nura.

“Of course, she is going nowhere. Now, go into the kitchen and prepare breakfast for everyone.” Charles yelled at Nura.

“Are you not the one they are talking to? Be fast and do as you are told with immediate effect.” The mother-in-law came into the living room and joined the gang up against Nura. Nura felt very powerless. She was alone and there were three people confronting her. There was nothing she could do as they surrounded her like a pack of wolves encircling a prey. She toed the path of peace and left the scene.

She went into the kitchen and started preparing the breakfast as instructed. It was a lot of work because she had to make food for everyone. She did it with a lot of sadness. She went to one of the cupboards in the kitchen and opened it aggressively. Nura had remembered that she kept a sachet of rat poison in one of the cupboard. She searched for it desperate and found it.

“I will not fold my hands and continue to be humiliated in my husband’s house. I was here when this house was built from scratch, so you people are right, I will stay and fight. No one else will enjoy the fruit of my labour." Nura said as she brought a pair of scissors and cut open the rat poison.

“Today, these insults must end.” She said as she dropped the scissors on the floor while holding the rat poison above the tray of food she was about to serve her mother-in-law, Charles and the new wife. Keep following your favorite authoress Ocholongwa Jacob . Jesus loves you so you loved him,.

Watch out for episode 4.