❗THE TROUBLE ❗Episode One

in Freewriters3 months ago

“I’m pregnant for your husband.” Amanda said to Julie. Julie was resting under a shade in her husband’s compound. She had a glass cup containing red wine and she was holding a copy of Ovation Magazine in her left hand. She sips the wine and then flips through the magazine, enjoying an excellent weekend before the interruption by Amanda who gained access into the compound after bribing the gate man with N1000.

“What did you just say?” Julie asked with a worried face and troubled voice. She gently placed the cup of wine on a table placed before her. She lifted her face from the magazine she was reading so as to look at Amanda who was also looking at her as if she was searching for something on her body.

“I said I’m pregnant for your husband. Did I put water in my mouth? Or do you have infection in hear ears? Your husband Chief maduka got me pregnant and I have come to tell him of his responsibilities.” Amanda said. Her courage and the way she spoke tell Julie that she was not playing. But Julie still chose to take what Amanda was saying with a pinch of salt even though she was deeply worried about it.

“What kind of joke is that? What do you mean you are pregnant for my husband? Where do you know my husband? Where did he see you and how did he get you pregnant?” Julie asked with a mild laughter on her face. She was laughing but inwardly, she was troubled. She knows that Amanda cannot just jump out from the bush and start talking of being pregnant for Chief maduka, but she still chose to behave as if the whole thing was a joke.

“So you don’t know how a man gets a woman pregnant? As old as you are, you still don’t know the process of getting a woman pregnant? Well, I will spare you the details and just go into the building and occupy my position. Please, come and show me where to keep my things.” Amanda said with a little ‘shakara’ in her voice. She lifted her bag and started moving into the building with speed. She took a look at the large and beautiful compound and she was happy in her heart that the place would finally become her home.

“This is my dream home. I have always dreamt of this day. I’m happy I’m alive to see the day I will move into Chief maduka’s house.” Amanda said to herself as she entered the build. As soon as she entered the spacious living room, she turned on the television and started feeling at home. She went to the kitchen and fried ten eggs and brought it out in a flat plate and started eating. She also opened the refrigerator and brought out two bottles of Maltina and used them to wash down the egg. All these happened within 30 minutes. Julie was shocked at the speed with which Amanda occupied the building and took over her kitchen as if she had been living with her for years.

“Do you care for some eggs? You are my co-wife and there is love in sharing. Gone are the days when co-wives fight each other. In today’s world, we can actually share everything in peace, including the man.” Amanda said as she swallowed a chunk of fried egg she was chewing. She drank some malt too and cleaned her lips with a piece of white tissue.

“Common shut up your mouth. Who is going to be sharing man with you? Come, this girl, if I close my eyes and open it and still find you here, I will call the police to arrest you. I will lock you up and throw the keys to your cell into the Atlantic Ocean. Leave my house within the count of ten.” Julie said with anger in her voice. She was really upset and if you drop raw yam in her heart, the yam would boil.

“Stop that childish behavior and don’t even start counting to ten because I will not move an inch. If you close your eyes and open it, you will still see me here ‘gidigbam.’ How can you ask me to leave my husband’s house? You are asking me to divorce my husband on the day of my wedding? Your husband got me pregnant and I have moved it. I’m here to stay and it is high time you start treating me like a co-wife.” Amanda said without mincing words. She was very emphatic. She crossed her legs and sat like the madam of the house.

Julie stepped out of the room, brought out her phone and was about calling the police when her husband drove into the compound in his Rolls Royce. Chief maduka is a very rich oil magnet who is well-known and who made money very early in life. He is so rich that people use his name as a reference when talking about money. He is 46 years old and his wife is yet to conceive at the age of 37. He got married to her 12 years ago. Her inability to conceive has been a problem to her.

“What is the problem? Why do you look so troubled? Is there a problem in the house?” Chief maduka asked.

“Yes, there is a big problem and you just arrived at the right time. Let’s go into the house.” Julie dragged her husband into the building and they both came face to face with Amanda who was holding TV remote and changing the channel to Zee World. She behaved as if she did not see Julie and Chief maduka when they came in.

“This lady here said you got her pregnant. Is she telling the truth? Don’t try to lie to me because I will find out. And if I find out, you won’t like what would happen.” Julie said to her husband. Her face showed she was really angry and agitated. Her husband looked so shocked and surprised. He quickly searched his brain to see if Amanda was part of the side chicks he has slept with recently, but clearly, he was seeing her for the first time. He knows in his heart of hearts that he has slept with many side chicks, but Amanda does not look familiar.

“Darling, I’m meeting this girl for the very first time. Today is the first day I’m setting my eyes on her.” Chief maduka said with a calm tone. His heart was worried, but somehow, he felt the need to be strong because he is very clear on one thing and that is the fact that he has never met Amanda.

“You are not telling me the truth. How did she find our house? How did she know your name and exact address? How did she know your face? Answer me because I’m running out of patience.” Julie was now shouting.

“Why are you talking to our husband like that? You are supposed to talk to our husband with respect. He is the man of the house and you cannot question his decision to bring another woman into the house. He reserves the right to marry a second wife just as he has done. It is his house.” Amanda said, suddenly joining the conversation in a way that added fuel to the burning fire.

“Shut your mouth! Who is your husband? I did not bring you into this house and I have never met you, neither did I sleep with you. I did not marry you. Pack your things and leave before I strangle you with my hands.” Chief maduka said. He was charging towards Amanda, but she started laughing absentmindedly. Chief maduka and Julie looked at each other in surprise and disbelief. Amanda seemed not to care about the threats. Instead, she stood up from the chair and walked out of the living room. She looked for a vacant room in the big building and moved her bags into it. The room was already furnished with everything.

“I have come to possess my possession. Nobody can stop me from possessing my possession. This is my room and I will stay here until I deliver this baby.” Amanda said. She lay down on the soft mattress and slept off in peace without any fear in her heart.

Crazy days ahead! Ocholongwa Jacob . Keep following up with him. Jesus loves you.

Watch out for episode 2.