I Am Alone (acrostic words)

in Freewriters • 3 years ago

Good day to you my friends, how was your day? hope that you are always doing fine 😀. I used to do this in high school and tried hard to do it now hope you like it.😉

Two weeks already passed, life isn't interesting anymore. Every day seems the same, rainy and sunny days may come and go walking to the road of mud and dust. Everywhere I look it's all the same, am I lost? or did my mind automatically deleted the colors that I've seen before because now it's all black and white.

I always walk with you, holding your hands listening to your voice while making funny stories. We used to go somewhere without any reason but just to be with each other.

A s I recall those happy and joyful moments I asked myself, where is it now? what happened to us? why are you slowly fading?

M any questions running in my thoughts but none of it were answered. I always make a way to make you smile but it is not enough, your sudden change is breaking my heart.

A minute with you is now hard to bear, the beautiful conversations before are now as cold as ice. I wanted to hold you like before but as if there's something in me that you can't hold on to.

L oving you now is pain, I don't know where it came from and what is your reasons. I could not find the answers or even just a clue, am I too much for you? because loving is not hurting.

O ne day you came telling me it's ME! I'm the reason for all this mess. Everything is now pointed at me, accusing every point that you see. The questions that I was supposed to ask are now thrown back at me.

N ow you're accusing me of the hardships that we have now. For making decisions that have never been thought about causing you the pressure due to my stupid mind. Many harsh and painful words keep on repeating in my head.

E go, stuck in my head, telling me that I never look upon you, that I don't know how to be humble and understanding. I don't know why you keep on pushing me so hard, all that I do is for both ug us what is mine is yours, and even what's left for me I give it to you.

I let go for a while to give us time and space and to realize all the things said and done. I am alone for a while hoping that someday I see you by my side.
