In our area, village, there is not much a bamboo, there are only a few types, thorny bamboo, reeds bamboo and ornamental bamboo. The yellow bamboo belongs to the decorative bamboo category and there are not many of that types in our village.
Only in a few places that are a yellow like that. In our area a lot of a green bamboo. Because much the use of bamboo, of course, has many uses. If old a green bamboo sailors are used as fishing rods to catch fish, yellow bamboo is not used because the structure is not strong.
Yellow bamboo is used to make flagpoles, fruit pickers, TV antennas and so on. Different from the thorny green bamboo. This type of thorny green bamboo has a strong structure especially after being cut and it is soaked in salty water, can make the structure of the bamboo is really strong, very strong.
A Bamboos Much Uses
Green bamboo is also used as a fences, a chairs, a tables and many other used it, of that thorny green bamboo.In our area it is a people rare to grow a bamboo, bamboo is not a source of livelihood here, not like in a China. China named a bamboo village, area.
If in a China there are several areas and almost in general are of China it grows a bamboo and sells it.Chinese bamboo is often found to be a green and not thorny bamboos. The Chinese also use a bamboo in almost every way in a work, they much used a bamboos.
If you watch it on the Chinese YouTube channel, almost all of them shoot about creativity related from a bamboos. They shoot of all their activities regarding creativity related uses a bamboo, from the beginning of the video they give us a video about bamboos.
The first they starting shoot a video from the bamboo field, and than selecting to the old bamboo, then cutting it one by one, cleaning the branches of a bamboos and then bringing all of the bamboos they have cutting to them home.
And then, again and again the bamboo was cut according to the size that has been determined and it was time to split. After all the work is done. The new bamboo is processed to become a tables, chairs, brooms, rice bowls, spoons, glasses, beds, dish racks and so on others.
If we are seriously watch their channel, we don't feel thirty, forty, or even sixty minutes of the time have passing, we don't feel it. Chinese people are very creative and it's not wrong for them to be called the Country of The Bamboo Curtain.
The Loh Angen People Love A Yellow Bamboos
Let's return to our problem, to our discussion, our discussion which is about The Loh Angen Yellow Bamboo, and in A Loh Angen there is an intersection called by the Yellow Bamboo Intersection, that a true story. In Loh Angen have The Yellow Bamboo Intersection.
Because of the pile of the yellow bamboo has growing there, that one of the intersections in that village was called the Yellow Bamboo Intersection, maybe. The people of Loh Angen area really love that, they have much love for the yellow bamboo.
The Loh Angen Yellow bamboo should not be cut down carelessly, the bamboo is preserved by them, the bamboo has been used as a tourist attraction especially for the people who are living in that village, especially for a people of Loh Angen village.
Thank You
Kind Regard
Thayeb Loh Angen
Author’s asst. Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai.
Captions for All Photos: The Loh Angen Yellow Bamboos in Paloh Dayah, the City of Lhokseumawe, Muara Satu, Aceh, April 4, 2023. Photo by Jamaluddin-Lodin LA. With the Nikon D7000 Camera, Nikon 50mm Lens.