Being True : A Freewrite

in Freewriters6 months ago


Everybody must no start race the se time.
Na u flop ? I think naysaying is worst than the word "nonsense".

I have since talked on Monaco here& u don't have d ansas.
U can't ansa why Monaco kept firing coaches in quick succession after Henry was fired.
They even finally had to bring back their celebrated coach dat Henry replaced, but he also didn't last long.

I explained it beta b, so what are u saying?

A club heirarchy has a problem, u say na the coach.

Ok from France, Henry moved to the US and broke a few records in the difficult covid year. Rooney was sacked in the US, Henry was never even nearly sacked(they were pleading with him to return) but left on his own bcos dat covid time meant his fily was not with him throughout& so they were not willing to let him travel back.

B then, he was giant assistant in Belgium and he did exceptionally well.

France employed him. U think France is silly to employ a flop?

So where is the flop there?What is even attractive with naysaying sef?
Ok o
Make I read all this epistle because of Henry ?