Picture Worth Thousand Words (Air Defines)..

in Freewriters3 months ago



From my many imaginations, I’ve wondered how fascinating sky diving would feel.

But now flipping the opposite over to imagine the overwhelming dose that would come with being on air. Perhaps, I shouldn't be envious of the birds that fly above, that's one sole power they were given that man wasn't blessed with, but I couldn't help the thoughts while on the air balloon.

If skydiving causes adrenaline, flying upwards is fortunately the overall definition of freedom because that is what it looks like..
Oh, and just in case you're searching for me, am the one in the middle air balloon. Hahaha!
The shots were taken from a distance so you would probably wouldn't see me at all🙈


It would have been nice if we had a close up shot of yours in the balloon. Enjoy your travel my friend.

Haha.. thank you☺️

A grear entry. Why not give both a try?