"Wow! This thing doesn’t even bark," Mike said, nudging the plastic dog with his toe. It wobbled a little, then just sat there, staring blankly with its big, googly eyes.
"I told you," Lisa replied, folding her arms. "It’s a scam. My cousin in London sent it, saying it's an 'artificial intelligence' dog. Look at it now—doesn't even have sense."
Mike chuckled. "Artificial what? This thing just looks like an inflated toy. Even my kid's toy dog is better than this." He picked up the dog, turning it over in his hands. "See how light it is. Feels like it's just filled with air."
Lisa shrugged. "Maybe you're supposed to charge it? Or does it use batteries?"
Mike looked closer. "Hmm… you might be right. Where would the battery even go?" He began fumbling around the dog's belly, searching for a compartment.
"Wait, let me see," Lisa said, taking the dog from him. She examined it carefully. "Ah! Look here." She pointed to a small flap on the side of the dog. "Looks like this is it."
Mike grinned. "Smart girl! You know more about this thing than I do."
Lisa opened the flap, and they both peered inside. "It uses a small battery," she said. "Like the one you find in a flashlight."
"Alright, alright," Mike said. "Let’s go inside. I’ve got some batteries at home. Maybe this thing will actually work."
They went into the small room, and Mike rummaged through a drawer filled with random items. "Aha!" he exclaimed, finally pulling out a small cylindrical battery. "I think this is the right size."
Lisa took the battery and carefully inserted it into the dog. They both held their breath, waiting. Nothing happened.
"Seriously? Is this thing broken?" Mike asked, scratching his head.
Lisa pressed a small button on the dog’s back. Still nothing. She pressed it again, harder this time. Suddenly, the dog's eyes lit up, glowing a bright blue. It let out a small, tinny "Woof!"
Mike and Lisa exchanged surprised glances. "Look at that!" Mike exclaimed. "It woke up!"
The dog wagged its tail—a small piece of plastic—and turned its head, looking around the room. Then it started walking, its little plastic legs moving jerkily.
"It’s moving!" Lisa said, giggling. "This is really an artificial dog!"
Mike laughed. "What exactly is this dog supposed to do? It doesn't bark properly, doesn't bite, but at least it moves. Fine, then."
The dog continued to walk around the room, bumping into furniture. It let out another small "Woof!" before stopping in front of Mike, looking up at him with glowing blue eyes.
"What now?" Mike asked, staring at the dog curiously.
The dog opened its mouth and, in a surprisingly clear voice, said, "Good evening, Master."
Mike and Lisa stared at each other, mouths hanging open. Neither spoke for a long moment.
Then Mike burst out laughing. "Wow! These London gadgets will be the end of us!"