Does time exist?

in Freewriters2 years ago



Time has been the subject of debate among scientists and people who put forward various theories about it, there are those who say that it does not exist, that what we perceive as time is the displacement of matter in space, if matter stops, what we call time would not be perceived.

When we die our time stops because all the matter and energy that conforms us is liberated transforming itself into another type of energy that is absorbed by other matter around us, that is to say, the matter that conforms our energy stops in space, therefore, our time ends, that is to say that there was never time, it was only all our matter that was moving in space.

Others believe that time is a concept that only human beings are interested in, they use it to measure an event from its beginning (verifiable) to its end, the universe is not ordered by time, there is only beginning and end of a form, activity or influence nothing more, the universe expands possibly one day (human concept that only differentiates between day and night caused by the transit of our nearest star) will contract and return everything to a beginning or to zero.



And also those who argue that our time as we know it, seconds, minutes... is finite.

It is the way we try to capture, to order, to measure symbolically that aspect of nature.

The universe cares as much about the unit of time as my bitch does about the Fibonacci series, the universe is immeasurable and ineffable, that which some call God.

All we can say about it are human constructs to try to answer: what are we? where do we come from? where are we going?

The perception we have is that the universe is very limited by spacetime.
Spacetime does not allow for infinity. We cannot reach infinite velocity and infinite density.



Yes, there are many magnitudes that tend to infinity but they don't reach it.

I think the key to finding the key that allows us to break spacetime and see what's on the other side is in those quantities that tend to infinity like the curvature of spacetime in black holes, or the infinitely small.


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