I need this. I am a eWrestling Handler by trade. I write for different characters in their fictional lives in an efed and write matches as well as part of whole televised shows.
It’s a really simple premise in that the card is set by whomever is in charge of the efed and will have my character on it. Then, I will wite a roleplay based on what the character is doing to prepare for said match or a picture in the life of the character in some cases.
My opponent will do much the same and the fed head (management) will read each of the roleplays and determine who wrote the better roleplay(s) that show and will write the match accordingly so that I can then read the show to see all of the characters who wrestled and see how my character fared in the match.
Ideally, I will take what happened in the show into mind when writing my roleplay for the next show so that it seems like a continuous story is going on from one show to the next.
I need this as it fills my writing need without having to try to write a full novel. I needthis because it’s like an addiction that you would not believe. The rush of victory, the despair of defeat. It’s all in the game of eWrestling.