Evil Ceremony: A Fictional Story

in Freewriters2 years ago

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Mathias, or Matt to his friends, is in a pickle. He was investigating an anomalous activity inside a certain catacomb when he came across an evil ceremony being held by a cult. When he saw the activity, his first instinct was to flee and report to the church what he had witnessed, which he did.

Or at least tried to...

Maybe it was bad luck or whatnot, but as Matt was trying to leave the venue, he triggered a trap, which alerted everyone. As a single person, Matt was no match against the cult members who came running towards him. And although he employed all the methods he could think of, he was eventually overwhelmed and captured.

"Well, look at the mess you get into, Mathias," he said to himself as he smiled depreciatingly at his blunder.

That said, although Matt sounded like he had given up, it's the farthest thing from the truth. In truth, Matt was well-prepared and actually had a backup plan in case he was captured.

"I just need to buy time," Matt thought as he looked at the person who seemed to be the cult leader.

From what he was seeing, the cult leader and the other higher cult members were debating their next course of action, or rather, their plan for him.

Matt was sure that his presence had disturbed whatever ceremony they were trying to do.

"I hope they'll keep arguing with each other," Matt thought.

The longer these cultists argued with one another, the safer it would be for him.

Unfortunately for Matt, his wish didn't come true, and the cultists came to an agreement before long: There's going to be a sacrifice, and guess who they're going to sacrifice.

Oh, for the love of...," Matt curses after learning that he's going to be sacrificed to a dark god or something. "You better get here soon, Ernest."

Not long after, Matt found himself atop an altar. With all of his limbs chained, Matt couldn't break free.

"Hey, can you at least give me a last meal or something?" Matt shouted at the cult leader, who was preparing a ceremonial knife that was going to be plunged into his heart. "Even death row convicts were treated better than this!"

"Silence, infidel!" the cult leader shouted back. "You're nothing but a sacrifice to our god. How dare you demand anything of us?"

Feeling helpless, Matt could only watch as the cult leader raised the knife with both hands, ready to pierce his heart. But as the cult leader was about to bring down the knife, the door to the catacomb flew open, followed by a group of well-armored knights.

"Hey, Matt, are you still alive?" The knight leading the charge shouted at Mathias.

"Damn it, Ernest, what took you so long?" Matt shouted back with glee after realizing that his rescue had arrived.

Not long after, the cultists were all apprehended. They were those who decided to fight back, but against a well-armed and well-trained knight, they were no match.

"Thank God you made it in time," Matt said to Ernest after getting out of the catacomb. "I really thought that I'd be gone for a second.

"You're lucky we've arrived in time," Ernest replied. "Seriously though, it's not like you to mess up like that."

"It's just bad luck, man," Matt argued back. "Who knew that I'd fall into a trap when I was about to make my exit?"

"Whatever," Ernest shrugged his shoulders. "Still, you owe me and the boys a drink."

"No problem!" Matt smiled widely. "Allow me to treat you guys to a drink in my favorite pub!"

And so, Mathias, also known as Matt, decided to celebrate his escape from death with his friends.

The end.