An endless adventure from the heights 🎈 | A picture is worth a thousand words 🖋️ [ENG-SPA]

in Freewriters3 months ago (edited)



SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Una aventura sin fin desde las alturas 🎈

Vivir una aventura en las alturas puede ser una experiencia transformadora ✨.

Apenas estaba amaneciendo cuando Estrella salió de su casa, el cielo se veía de hermosos tonos pastel. Aunque el frío de la madrugada era intenso, su emoción la envolvía como una cálida manta: hoy viviría una gran aventura porque flotaría entre las nubes gracias a un majestuoso globo aerostático. Ese había sido su sueño desde la infancia y por fin se haría realidad.

Al llegar al campo divisó varios de estos globos desinflados, cual criaturas dormidas. Pero pronto el silencio se rompió con el estruendo del aire caliente que los llenaba poco a poco. La tela de colores vibrantes se inflaba como un gigantesco pulmón y a Estrella la invadió un cosquilleo de adrenalina en el estómago, una sonrisa radiante se dibujó en su rostro.

Finalmente, los globos se irguieron imponentes, listos para alzar el vuelo con sus pasajeros. Con la ayuda del piloto, Estrella subió a la canasta junto a siete personas más, apreciando el suave balanceo de la estructura. Al despegar, el suelo se alejó lentamente y se encontraron flotando en un mar de aire. La sensación era tan irreal... como si estuviera caminando sobre una nube ☁️.

Desde las alturas el mundo parecía un enorme rompecabezas de campos verdes, bosques frondosos y ríos serpenteantes. Las casas, los automóviles y las personas se reducían a diminutas figuras que se movían frenéticamente asemejándose a las hormigas.

Estrella se sintió pequeña e insignificante ante aquella escena, pero al mismo tiempo, infinitamente conectada con todo lo que la rodeaba. Y estaba segura de que el grupo que la acompañaba también lo sentía así.

El viento llevó el globo a través de un valle donde las sombras de las montañas se proyectaban sobre la tierra como gigantes dormidos. Eso la hizo imaginarse a sí misma como un pájaro libre para volar hacia cualquier lugar: la libertad era absoluta. ¡Todavía no podía creer la experiencia que estaba viviendo!

A medida que el sol ascendía en el cielo, el paisaje se transformaba ante sus ojos. Las sombras se acortaron, y los colores se intensificaron. Estrella pudo apreciar la belleza de la naturaleza en su máxima expresión. Las nubes, antes blancas y esponjosas, ahora se teñían de rosa y naranja, creando un espectáculo digno de una pintura.

De repente, el globo comenzó a descender suavemente. El piloto seleccionó un claro en el bosque como lugar de aterrizaje. Los pasajeros, que habían estado en silencio durante todo el recorrido, suspiraron a la vez en una mezcla de emoción y nostalgia. La aventura estaba llegando a su fin, pero los recuerdos perdurarían para siempre.

Al tocar tierra, Estrella se llenó de una energía renovada que le recorría todo el cuerpo desde adentro hacia afuera ✨. La experiencia de volar en globo había sido mucho más que un simple paseo para ella. Había sido un viaje interior, una oportunidad para reconectarse con la naturaleza y consigo misma. Su niña interior bailaba de alegría 💃.

Mientras se despedía del piloto y de sus compañeros de viaje, no pudo evitar sonreír de nuevo. Sabía que ésta no sería su última aventura. El deseo de repetir la experiencia de volar entre las nubes, ya había comenzado a anidar en su corazón.

Porque nunca debemos olvidarnos de nuestros deseos de la infancia, pues es ahí donde reside el secreto de nuestra felicidad y de los anhelos del corazón. ¡Mantén vivos tus sueños como una estrella 🌟! Vinimos a este mundo a brillar.

An endless adventure from the heights 🎈

Living an adventure at altitude can be a transformative experience ✨.

It was just dawn when Estrella left her house, the sky was in beautiful pastel shades. Although the early morning chill was intense, her excitement enveloped her like a warm blanket: today she would live a great adventure because she would float among the clouds thanks to a majestic hot air balloon. That had been her dream since childhood and it would finally come true.

When he arrived at the field, he saw several of these deflated balloons, like sleeping creatures. But soon the silence was broken by the roar of the hot air that filled them little by little. The vibrantly colored fabric inflated like a gigantic lung and Estrella's stomach tingled with adrenaline, a radiant smile spread across her face.

Finally, the balloons rose imposingly, ready to take flight with their passengers. With the pilot's help, Estrella climbed into the basket along with seven other people, appreciating the gentle swaying of the structure. As they took off, the ground slowly receded and they found themselves floating in a sea of air. The sensation was so unreal... as if walking on a cloud ☁️.

From the heights the world looked like a huge jigsaw puzzle of green fields, lush forests and meandering rivers. Houses, cars and people were reduced to tiny figures moving frantically resembling ants.

Estrella felt small and insignificant before that scene, but at the same time, infinitely connected to everything around her. And she was sure that the group accompanying her felt the same way.


The wind carried the balloon across a valley where the shadows of the mountains were cast on the earth like sleeping giants. That made her imagine herself as a bird free to fly anywhere: the freedom was absolute. She still couldn't believe the experience she was having!

As the sun ascended in the sky, the landscape transformed before her eyes. The shadows became shorter, and the colors intensified. Estrella could appreciate the beauty of nature at its best. The clouds, once white and fluffy, were now tinged pink and orange, creating a spectacle worthy of a painting.

Suddenly, the balloon began to descend gently. The pilot selected a clearing in the forest as the landing site. The passengers, who had been silent for the entire ride, sighed at once in a mixture of excitement and nostalgia. The adventure was coming to an end, but the memories would last forever.

Upon touching down, Estrella was filled with a renewed energy that coursed through her entire body from the inside out ✨. The ballooning experience had been much more than just a ride for her. It had been an inner journey, an opportunity to reconnect with nature and with herself. Her inner child danced with joy 💃.

As she said goodbye to the pilot and her fellow passengers, she couldn't help but smile again. She knew this would not be her last adventure. The desire to repeat the experience of flying among the clouds, had already begun to nestle in his heart.

For we must never forget our childhood wishes, for therein lies the secret of our happiness and the longings of the heart. Keep your dreams alive like a star 🌟! We came into this world to shine.

This was my entry for the @freewritehouse contest, hope you like it. As English is not my native language, I used the translator DeepL to make myself understood as well as possible 🙏. A big hello to all the community.

My instagram account:


Thanks for reading! ⭐

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@ikasumanera Divider


You are right about childhood dreams and goals. They give us a sense of purpose and aspiration, even though we don't fully understand all the implications some of them poses, such as dangers. It's a wonderful feeling to be able later in life to say that I've always wanted to do this or that since childhood, now it's come true. I was pleased to read that it was Estrella's dream to fly among the clouds. Of course, now we have airplanes to take us there.

What a lovely story of hopes and dreams you shared. I enjoyed the descriptive view from the ballooin of the sights Estrella encountered. Take care.


That's right, we must never forget our inner child, that innocence that characterized us where our dreams and what we wanted were much clearer, without being contaminated by the social system that makes us forget what we loved to do the most. I still don't do everything I wanted to do since childhood, but we go step by step so as not to disappoint my inner child 🙌. I'm glad you liked the story, thanks for stopping by and leaving your valuable comment @justclickindiva 🤗🤗.

You're welcome @vezo. It was a pleasure to read your story. Like you, I haven't fulfilled all my childhood dreams; however, I replaced them with more realistic ones that brought a measure of satisfaction to my life.

Take care.

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Que bello relato querida. Nunca viaje en globo. Debe de ser una experiencia única, con una perspectiva inigualable. Seguro cuando andas allí entre las nubes volando, los sueños y la inspiración afloran al máximo.

Gracias por pasar hermosa 💙. Yo tampoco he experimentado esa experiencia, sería interesante vivirla en algún momento 🤗🙌.


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On this occasion I can tell you very little. I give the floor to my inner child:

Thank you Estrella! It has been a wonderful adventure.

Estrella, see you soon!

Nuestro niño interior es muy sabio 🤗, siempre debemos tenerlo presente @enraizar 🤗.

De niño a niña feliz semana @vezo. 😃

A lovely entry and I like the picture you added.

Thank you so much! @freewritehouse 🤗