An Outreach to an Academy to Commemorate World Oral Health Day

in Freewriters4 days ago

To begin with, World Oral Health Day is celebrated globally every year on March 20th. This year's theme is 'A Happy Mouth is A Happy Mind'. In line with this, we wrote a letter to a secondary school to educate their students about oral health and hygiene. We also created cardboard displays highlighting our themes, as a way to engage with the students and promote good oral health practices.


To make the experience more engaging and rewarding, we provided incentives for the students, including satchet Close-Up toothpaste and toothbrushes, which were given as prizes to those who answered questions correctly.

We then delved into the importance of oral health, emphasizing that it encompasses the care and maintenance of our teeth, mouth, and tongue. We also discussed ways to prevent oral infections and diseases, such as oral cancer, and explored the significant impact of clean water on our oral health.

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We concluded the session with an interactive Q&A segment, where students who answered correctly received toothbrushes as rewards. Following a brief summary of the key takeaways, we captured some memorable moments with the students through a photo session, marking the end of a successful and engaging outreach program.

@jmis101 @nhaji01 @ozd @melinda010100 @bluesniper @bitcoinman @steamychicken @kei2 @commentRewarder

Ps: All photos by me


Happy Oral health day.

You did great dear with visiting a secondary school and educating them.
I thought close-up is not really advisable to use because of its after use hotness 🤔