Perception Shapes Reality (Life is really not that bad, man)

in Freewriters3 days ago (edited)

We do not believe what we see—we see what we believe.

It took me years to fully grasp the essence of what Rev. Ike preached: every individual constructs their own concept of God.

The miser envisions a miserly God. The compassionate perceive a loving God. The cruel and unforgiving mold their deity in their own image.

We were not placed here to endure unnecessary suffering, yet some seem determined to warp their perception and cast life as a futile struggle. But here’s the reality—most chronic complainers have never known true hardship. Their grievances pale in comparison to those of an Indian child scavenging through refuse for a morsel of food.

Life is not as dire as some would have you believe. And no, I do not subscribe to the idea that we were sent here solely to beg for divine instruction while suppressing our deepest aspirations. The very word desire originates from the Latin de sidere—“from the stars.”

Desires are not randomly selected; they arise from within. You would do well to pursue your own, rather than waste your existence conforming to someone else’s deluded notions of how life ought to be lived.

Enjoy your day!😊

Courtesy of Pixabay👇🏻


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