Autumn Equinox?

in Freewriters3 months ago


I have nothing with time. Although I love the warmth and sunshine I lived for the biggest part of my life in the dark. It seemed as if all the houses I lived in lacked sunshine and they had something else in common: trains, bad electricity wires, bad phone and an internet connection and neighbours I can hear. It's not that the wall has ears but I have and the neighbours don't tiptoe through life unlike me. There came a point in my life we gave up on being friendly,taking into consideration the neighbours next door since they never did with us and the more silent we became the more they start nagging us. Oh, those "good, old days" will I miss them if I can never hear all these sounds? I doubt it it. Even in silence I still hore the voices, the shouting, the fights between couples, loud music, never ending parties, complaining neighbours about the sound of the car if the daughter leaves to work (as if you can push it out of the street to she can sleep). It was a waste of my life, being kind, sacrificing myself I mean, and I will never do it again. If I'm quiet it's because I don't like the talking and like to hear myself think without disturbance and time? It has nothing to do with it. It's not that the autumn equinox influences the mood or people. It doesn't. Most people live without time anyway. Midsummer, Midwinter, celebrations are no longer something to look forward too and the only "turkey being stuffed" is the one Mr Bean tried to prepared or how my love feels after eating too much.

The title is the prompt and provided by @daily.prompt


OMG, you sound like me, just the other day I was complaining about the houses I have lived in all staying cold in the winter, it will be warm outside but inside I need to be under a blanket and if you plug more than one heater in, it blows a fuse, my last house was this same way. My wish is to one day have a house so that this does not happen.
We have train tracks half a mile from us and a small airport that does skydiving, it is one mile on the other side. and yes our internet sucks because we are last in line and no more houses will be built for them to improve it.

Don't get me started on my evil neighbor!!!!

When you said you live in the dark it reminded me of my brother.
He used to say they treat him like a mushroom, they keep him in the dark and feed him shit. lol